Will you be our Valentine?
There are only two weeks left in our February Challenge Grant. We could really use your support to ensure our legal appeal moves forward.
Donate to the Yorba Linda Defense today.
If what you love includes your:
- family
- home
- community
- quality of life
Then help us protect that now and the future.
Your donations are 100% tax deductible and allow us to continue to fight for what we all love–including our beautiful neighborhood.
If you have questions about where we are in the process or what comes next, please let us know. It’s been a long and grueling fight, but we’ve never been in a stronger position for any number of reasons. Please don’t hesitate to ask–other people are probably wondering too!
When we stick together we achieve more than we can alone. If we hadn’t stepped forward nearly 500 homes would be making their way to the hills above us… but, we couldn’t sit back and let that happen. That’s why we chose to do something.
But, doing something costs money because our fight is in the courtroom at the moment.