Some people seem unclear about these projects and their location. Here is the short version of the story for both projects and a map is attached as a PDF.
Esperanza Hills
The developer received approvals in early June for 340 hillside houses. The proposed primary access comes down the canyon behind San Antonio homes and below Dorinda homes. If that access doesn’t work, the next primary access would be off Aspen (near San Antonio). The secondary access is on Stonehaven (near Devonport). Existing neighborhoods on both sides of this project are affected no matter what.
Cielo Vista
The developer proposes 112 units on 87 acres. Comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Report for this project are being reviewed by County staff before they release the final documents. There are two neighborhoods in this project. The primary access for the southern neighborhood is at Via Del Agua (near Via De La Roca). The primary access for the northern neighborhood is off Aspen (near San Antonio). Again, existing neighborhoods on both sides of this project are affected no matter what.