They are at it Again – Get Us Over the Hump

Our attorney is in the process of writing the Writ of Mandate for the Esperanza Hills victory. As the prevailing party, we get that task assigned to us.  Therefore, we absorb the brunt of the financial costs too.

And, wouldn’t you know it?  The lawyers from the other side are at it again making the process more time consuming, more difficult and less productive!?  Whatever we write in the Writ, we anticipate they will challenge and strive to do the least possible to fix the issue.

In early July, we anticipated immediate needs of $20,000 to get us through the Writ.  We are almost half way to our fundraising goal because of many donors, but we are not quite there yet.

To be able to get through this stage, we need your financial support.  This project impacts residents on the Stonehaven/Via del Agua side and the San Antonio side.  Remember all the things we are fighting for: our community, our safety, our water, our families, our homes, our quality of life, etc.

We are in it together.  We always have been.

If every household on our email list donated $200 we’d reach our goal.  Will you help us wrap up our lawsuit win?

We know many of you have donated in the past.  Many of you donate monthly–thank you for your continued commitment.  We need these funds in hand by August 15 to continue to fight.

Donate generously today!  Remember your donations are tax-deductible.