We had an incredibly successful garage sale on Saturday!! Thank you to all the donors and volunteers that helped and the Alaux family for hosting!
In other news, today is the last day to contribute and have your donation DOUBLED!
Our goal is $10,000 by February 28th! Will you help the cause by donating today? It is tax-deductible.
And, in case you aren’t on the County’s listserv… this arrived yesterday:
You have previously indicated that you wish to be notified of the availability of project documents regarding the subject project [Esperanza Hills]. The purpose of this message is to notify you that Additional Environmental Analysis has been posted at the Development Services SFTP site.
The Development Services SFTP is located at the following link: https://ftp.eft.ocgov.com
username: devsvcs-guest
password: DevSvcsDocs
target folder: Esperanza Hills January 2017/Add’l Environmental Analysis
Remember to donate by midnight to have your gift doubled!