New Update: Draft EIR Release!!!
Sunday, April 7 – 4 p.m.—Thayer Residence—4660 San Antonio Rd.—IMPORTANT INFORMATION MEETING
for Neighbors from areas of San Antonio / Dorinda / Stonehaven / Via Del Agua / Casino Ridge and Hidden Hills
This important APRIL 7 neighborhood meeting is scheduled to provide key updates as we enter the single most important phase of the proposed Cielo Vista and Esperanza Hills Developments. As you all know our collective focus is to prevent these two developments that combined would add approximately 500 new homes to the hills just east of Casino Ridge /San Antonio and just north of Via Del Agua/Stonehaven (near Chino Hills State Park & Hidden Hills). These two proposed projects are technically in the County of Orange jurisdiction, not within Yorba Linda city limits. Several key aspects of these developments will be occurring in the coming weeks and we need to be united to fight them.
1. The Draft Environmental Impact Reports (EIR) for both projects will be released any day now. This is the single best opportunity we’ll have to stop these developments from adding over 4,500 cars a day to our streets and adding to the already hazardous safety conditions when the next fire or emergency occurs. In this meeting we’ll discuss how all of us working together can make a difference.
2. Part of this strategy includes professional and/or legal representation. A key member of the POHAH leadership team is an attorney and will be providing an update on our plans to fight this using the legal system.
3. Fighting this takes money of course. Some of you have donated already, and that will allow us to get started. But we need more. This meeting will provide details on how much we have, what we need, and how those funds will be used. With that knowledge we are asking those who haven’t donated so far to do so at this meeting or at
4. Another aspect of this effort is visibility and awareness to our elected officials and others throughout Yorba Linda. We will have a limited number of yard signs available for purchase (at a nominal cost) at the meeting. We will be asking for those interested to purchase one and display it in your yards. We are especially interested in those living in high traffic areas or know of others throughout the city living on prominent street corners. We will take orders from attendees for additional signs at the meeting. Let’s spread the word!
5. Personal safety is our primary issue of concern. We continue to collect your stories and pictures of how the fires of 2008 impacted you. These collective stories will drive this critical point home with not only the Yorba Linda City Council but more importantly the Orange County Board of Supervisors who ultimately will decide whether these developments are approved. E-mail your story/photos to or bring them to this meeting. (By emailing your stories/photos you are authorizing their publication and dissemination for purposes of educating the public and/or elected officials who are the decision makers for the fate of these developments.)
Please pass this email onto others that you know of in Yorba Linda interested in stopping these hillside developments.
Questions: For immediate questions or if you are unable to attend but would like more information please email or
Please see our new website at: